How To Get 1 Million Followers on Instagram?

Instagram is the mainstay for many businesses and brands to increase their web traffic, enhance engagement, and increase sales for their products. Instagram is considered to be the best tool for business but it’s not easy to maintain good performance.

Many brands want to increase their strong existence on social media and Instagram is the topmost priority of them to engage the audience. Time and certain campaigns are needed to gain followers organically.

But when we talk about new profiles, it has become difficult for them to grow naturally. Increasing likes, getting more views on videos, and gaining followers are possible If you follow some good strategies by implementing targets.

Ways to Increase Number Of Followers On Instagram

Make Professional Profile

Make Professional Profile on Instagram

Most people ignore this most important part of completing all the details on their accounts. Always add some description about your brand name and don’t forget to add the most relevant username. The unique and easy username will help the customers to find your account easily. To gain a fan following, add catchy and professional profile photos to make the brand more reliable.

Add a website link If any for the customers to visit your services. It will attract followers and other people to trust you and it will help you to gain followers and in return for this, you will be able to gain more likes as well.


Hashtags are the very key indicator for the growth of the Instagram account. Make sure to add at least 30 hashtags that are the most relevant to the post content. Users on Instagram search by adding hashtags in the search bar except for the username.

Hashtags on Instagram

It can help the 20 million daily users to get easy access to your content. You can check the performance of your follower’s count after applying these tags in your upcoming posts.

Content Schedule

Regular posting on your Instagram profile is another way to engage with the audience. Let the people know about the schedule of content sharing so that you can get maximum engagement. Plan the weekly plan for uploading the posts with proper captions about the posts with hashtags and high-quality pictures and videos.

Attract the Audience

Instead of slaving and dull approach, try to add some catchy pictures and videos in your content so that people feel happy. After applying realistic and business mind growth you will see an increase in followers count.

Attract Audience on Instagram

According to research more than 90% of users like fresh food which makes them happy. So, add attractive images, videos and add regular stories. Stories with stickers and animation attract people.


Among the various strategies, it can work well for the rapid increase in followers. Most of the new users use this tip and announce giveaways with certain conditions of following your account with tagging friends.

At the very start point, it will help you to engage the audience. You must announce giveaways of products related to your industry to make the users think you care about them. They start trusting your credibility and ultimately conversion will be boosted.