How long can Instagram videos be?

In the event that you have an Instagram account, odds are that you have been utilizing the online media stage to post charming selfies, excursion snaps, and cute photographs of your friends and family. Be that as it may, Instagram isn’t only for static pictures — the help additionally permits you to transfer video, permitting clients to share much a greater amount of their lives with their adherents.

In the event that you have never posted recordings on Instagram, or you are essentially inquisitive regarding what the constraints of the element are, you may be interested to know how long the recordings you transfer are permitted to be.

The appropriate response is not exactly direct. Essentially, it changes relying on where you transfer your recordings on Instagram’s foundation. This is what you need to know.

When it comes to answering the question about “how long can Instagram videos be” then we come across various types of videos!

Regular Videos

If you need to transfer a video onto your Instagram record’s feed, for example, have it appear like an ordinary photograph on your Instagram profile, you ought to pick a video to upload that is under 60 seconds in length.

You can post a video that is longer than 60 seconds in length, however as recordings in your Instagram feed must be a minute long, you’ll need to choose which 60-second segment of the video you might want to post.

Story Videos

Instagram Stories are an incredible method to impart more modest pieces of your day to your devotees, without having them posted on your real feed. Stories terminate within 24 hours, making this element extraordinary for recordings that are less significant than the ones you need to be shown for all time.

Story Videos

Recordings on Instagram stories must be 15 seconds in length. Notwithstanding, there’s a simple workaround to this constraint: recordings longer than 15 seconds will consequently be separated into independent fragments, and all can be transferred immediately.

Livestream Videos

Instagram clients can live stream videos for as long as an hour at a time, which is a great way to increase the number of likes and get more fan following. All live streams are saved as recordings that can be seen by your adherents later, however, you can decide to incapacitate the re-watch include in the event that you decide.

You can promptly go live again after your hour-long time limit is up, in any case, accordingly starting an additional hour-long stretch of video broadcasting and recording.

Videos on IGTV

Right now, recordings on IGTV, the application’s gathering for long-structured video, need to be between 15 seconds and 10 minutes long for most clients. Confirmed records and records with a huge adherent check can post IGTV recordings that are as long as an hour long.

How long can Instagram videos be?

Since you know every one of the details + best practices for every video type, it’s the ideal opportunity for you to execute and benefit as much as possible from Instagram recordings for your image in 2021 and gain more views.

In the event that you are hoping to get input on your Instagram recordings or have any further inquiries, come proceed with the conversation on the In-Video people group, a place of refuge for you to associate with and gain from 20K different advertisers, makers, and entrepreneurs such as yourself.