How Do You Get A Lot Of Likes On Instagram?

Being the world’s best-performing social media platform, Instagram is the leading indicator for the growth of any brand. Algorithms promote and boost the posts with more likes. There is an excellent chance for the posts with more likes to get engagement from Instagram.

But the question is, how do you get a lot of likes on your posts?

You can follow some innovative and short strategies to increase the number of likes on your posts.

1- Use Right Hashtags

Use Hashtags

Hashtags are the best ways to increase the audience on your Instagram account with time. When you add some hashtags in your post or story, people will find these posts when they search using these tags.

People also like to follow and like by searching with hashtags of their choice. Whether you’re posting general posts or promoting products, hashtags play a vital role to increase engagement rates.

2- Regular Post Schedule

Regular Post Schedule

The Algorithm favors the posts to get a higher audience when there is a proper schedule of uploading content. Moreover, the users wait for the posts in front of their favorite accounts to know more about the brands.

Try to share the posts regularly, and you can also schedule the posts to target the audience of the particular region. 

3-Add Images In Posts

In most cases, the high-quality images work to gain followers and other users.  Hashtags and images are the two vital things that can perform well to reach people.

Sharing images with the posts enable you to get more likes, and followers tend to increase day by day. If you have an old account, see the posts, evaluate the images, and make them better. The best way is to check the competitors’ accounts and make the photos better than old shared ones.

4-Share To Social MediaShare With Social Media

If you have a strong presence on other social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, always reshare the posts to another audience type. Although all the websites have different limits and image sizes, they can still add value to your growth.

You can also convert your fan following to Instagram by interlinking all social media platforms. Instagram allows you to share the posts on Tumblr, Facebook, and other social websites.


It’s the best and easiest method to get a massive audience in less time. The thing to do is announce some offers with the posts and ask people to share, tag, and like the Instagram posts. It will increase the likes on posts but also causes a massive boost for the profile to reach more users.


If you follow these strategies, you have the option to increase both the likes and followers on your Instagram profile. Although it will take some time to get the desire results. But If you succeed to implement these steps, which are pretty accessible, you will acquire the maximum results fast to increase likes on your Instagram account. Instagram is the foremost social media stream for growing your business.